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Malvern Wells CE Primary School Malvern Wells CE Primary School

Malvern Wells

CE Primary School

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Wrap Around Care

Our Wrap Around Care is a vital part of school life and it embodies our values. Mrs Adams and Mrs Champkins work tirelessly to ensure the children who join us at 8am and remain on site until 5:30pm feel like they are part of our family. They provide excellent food and activities to keep them entertained and they pride themselves on the strong relationships they have with the children.


It is a place of fun, family and laughter!

Fees for Wrap Around Care for 2023-24


  • Breakfast Club - £5 per session (per child) £4.25 (per additional sibling)


  • Afterschool Club - Full session £9 (per child) £8.50 (per additional sibling) (3:30 - 5:30)  
  • Afterschool Club - Half session £5 (per child) £4.25 (per additional sibling) (3:30 - 4:30 / 4:30 - 5:30)
  • Club Session £2.50 4pm - 4:30pm. Option only available to children attending an extra curricula school club. 
  • Club Session £7.50 4pm - 5:30pm. Option only available to children attending an extra - curricula school club. 

