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Malvern Wells

CE Primary School

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Early Years Curriculum


In Class 1 we are focusing on fine and gross motor skills and how we can move confidently in different ways through Physical Development.


The three focus areas of physical development are:

  1. Being active, healthy and happy.
  2. Being strong, coordinated and balanced.
  3. Being precise, proficient and confident.


We do this in several different ways including:

  • Outdoor art sessions.
  • Forest School sessions (at least 1 per week).
  • Bikes and Trikes
  • Using climbing equipment safely and responsibly.
  • Funky Fingers Activities
  • Pen Disco
  • Indoor and outdoor provision


Intended EYFS End Outcomes:-

All children can move freely in a range of ways including:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Crawling
  • Slithering
  • Jumping
  • Skipping
  • Sliding
  • Hopping


Run at different speeds, with different changes of direction while handling equipment effectively (including carrying, striking, throwing, and bouncing different objects of different sizes).


All these basics can then be built upon as children enter a sports-based curriculum from Year 1 onwards.
